Entertaining Angels, by Richard Everett

Dates and times

Tue 4th March at 7:45pm
Wed 5th March at 7:45pm
Thu 6th March at 7:45pm
Fri 7th March at 7:45pm
Sat 8th March at 2:30pm
Sat 8th March at 7:45pm

This touching, thought provoking, comedy centres on the recently-bereaved wife of a vicar. As she comes to terms with his death and the loss of her home to the new incumbent, her daughter and recently-returned missionary sister each have their own stories to reveal.

The Cast is:

Grace – Liz Clarke

Jo – Rachael Humphrey

Sarah – Julia Mills

Ruth – Nicky Mawer

Bardy – Tony Price

Tickets on sale from 4th February

Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, inc. www.concordtheatricals.com